FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Anthony Acosta 0f Atlanta HorizonView Group Earned the prestigious Quality Service Certified®

Anthony Acosta, Quality Service Certified ® Associate Broker
Holding the Quality Service Certified® designation requires a sales agent to follow a well-defined and prescribed process of service, to present that process in writing to every customer and client, and to guarantee its delivery.

For Immediate Release – Anthony Acosta of Atlanta HorizonView Group Earned the prestigious Quality Service Certified®  March 2017


For the first time a standard of service and accountability is being offered to consumers in the area of real estate service quality and customer satisfaction. Anthony Acosta of Harry Norman, Realtors® Atlanta office, has just completed the requirements to earn the status of a Quality Service Certified® real estate professional. Holding the Quality Service Certified® designation requires a sales agent to follow a well-defined and prescribed process of service, to present that process in writing to every customer and client, and to guarantee its delivery.


According to Larry D. Romito, President and CEO of Quality Service Certification, Inc., “Anthony Acosta has joined a growing number of real estate professionals in North America who are committing to the delivery of a defined service process and a higher standard of accountability in service delivery and customer satisfaction. This is an industry breakthrough in the establishment of a measurable standard of care and service satisfaction.” An integral part of the sales agent’s ability to maintain Quality Service Certified® status rests with service evaluation feedback from every buyer and seller. Following the closing of each property purchase or property sale, an independent research company sends the consumer a Quality Service Assurance Survey asking tough questions about the details and overall satisfaction of service provided by the sales agent and broker.


“Sales associates and brokers are highly motivated to protect their Quality Service Certified® status by delivering better service satisfaction, more service value and higher accountability. The Quality Service Certified® total service system offers a predictable, accountable, reliable, and consistent service outcome.” Romito added, “The era of real estate service ‘improv’ is coming to a close. The purchase or sale of what for most of us is our most valuable asset, deserves the serious attention and accountability of a defined, written and communicated service process with measurable standards and that’s exactly what a Quality Service Certified® professional must deliver.”


Consumers are very interested in performance transparency, a reliable history of an agent’s record of service and satisfaction to past customers, and what past customers have to say about their actual experience. Quality Service Certification offers consumers exactly that – detailed, independently validated data and customer comments. A consumer website at helps consumers make better decisions and better choices in selecting their real estate professional.


Quality Service Certification, Inc. of San Juan Capistrano, California is the leading firm in service quality delivery, customer satisfaction and measurable quality control in the real estate industry. Company spokesperson can be contacted at (949) 481-4438 or [email protected].


If you have any questions about Anthony Acosta’s Quality Service Certification or Atlanta real estate condos for sale, call us anytime we would love to talk to you and show you around.

For more information about condos for sale in Atlanta, popular Atlanta homes or other Atlanta real estate condos for sale, please contact Anthony Acosta, Atlanta HorizonView Group at 404.797.9907 cell or [email protected] email.

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